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Embracing Efficiency: Overcoming the 'Busy' Trap

July 14, 2023

In our latest blog post, "Embracing Efficiency: Overcoming the 'Busy' Trap," we explore how people often get caught up in being busy and overlook the opportunities for improvement and efficiency. We discuss the importance of embracing technologies and solutions that can streamline processes and maximize productivity. Discover how breaking free from the "busy" mindset can lead to greater success and fulfillment.

Blog Date Link
Embracing Efficiency: Overcoming the 'Busy' Trap
July 14, 2023
Online dump truck booklet
April 15, 2023
Tragget - connecting dump trucks with jobs
November 11, 2022
Jan 30, 2023
Challenges Faced by the Dump-Truck Business When Using Paper Tickets
July 14, 2023

Online dump truck booklet

April 15, 2023

Innovative online dump truck booklet not only allows everyone to focus on the task at hand but also helps companies save money by streamlining processes and reducing paperwork.

Tragget - connecting dump trucks with jobs

November 11, 2022

Tragget was born from the need to improve business processes in the dump truck industry and move away from manual paper-based tracking and approvals. The dump truck business has been running on paper tickets since the wheel’s invention. Why fix it if it is not broken? Truth is that system is broken and everyone knows it. People don’t necessarily know how much this broken system costs different entities and users.


Jan 30, 2023

See in your own eyas how Tragget connects Truck jobs via network of trucking companies to trucks and how easy it is to start.

Challenges Faced by the Dump-Truck Business When Using Paper Tickets

Jun 30, 2023

Shortly: Decreased efficiency, Lower accuracy, Increased costs, Inadequate tracking. See more in details